A few years ago, I had to be somewhere rather early, and because I am not the most capable person first thing in the morning, I had pulled my hair into bunches and slapped on a layer of dark lipstick because that was about what I could manage. I was in a lift heading to my destination, and a woman and and her small daughter were looking at me more than what I thought was necessarily polite, but I didn't say anything because I'm very non-confrontational. The woman finally said, "Sorry, we don't mean to be rude. It's just that you look like Draculaura." Her daughter giggled and smiled at me. Well, that got a smile out of me, and made having to be up and out that early totally worth it.
Recently, I've felt I was falling into a bit of a makeup rut and so I started looking for characters for inspiration. That little interaction popped into my head, which meant that Monster High was the first thing I went to. Also, it doesn't hurt that I have the same face shape that seems to be the only one in the Monster High universe, :p.
So here are two of my Frankie Stein inspired looks! I did one super cartoon face and one that's safe for travel among the Muggles.
Monster High Frankie Stein Inspired Look |
For more details, pictures, and a full product list, please follow me through the jump!